Madison County supervisors approved a rezoning for a property in Rochelle Wednesday.
Michael and Rachel Williams, owners of Virginia Lawnscapes, applied in September to rezone their 9.519 acre parcel from A-1, agricultural, to B-1, business. The property is located at 6136 S. Seminole Trail and is used to garage the couple’s landscaping business equipment. The rezoning request came after the couple received a notice of violation from the county zoning office for operating the business on agricultural zoned land. The rezoning resolves the complaint. According to planning and zoning administrator Allen Nicholls, the Williams plan to install a sewage disposal system and a bathroom to an existing structure once the rezoning is approved.
The planning commission recommended approval of the rezoning application which was approved unanimously by the supervisors.
A second case scheduled for Wednesday was withdrawn from the docket.
Amanda Hoffner withdrew her application for a special use permit (SUP) to operate a dog kennel, Quietude Dog Boarding, on her 30.268 acres at 227 Jacks Shop Road. Similar to the Williams’ application, Hoffner’s application was received after the issuance of a notice of violation. Nicholls said the notice was issued after the building and zoning department received a complaint that a dog boarding kennel was operating without special use or building permits. It was determined an SUP would bring the business into compliance. However, Nicholls said that Hoffner withdrew her application after receiving pushback from neighbors and feeling “bullied” at a previous workshop meeting.