The Culpeper Branch NAACP will host the first in a three-part workshop series Saturday focusing on fundamental rights. The series, “Foundational Freedoms: The First Amendment, Reconstruction Amendments and More,” is sponsored by The Robert H. Smith Center for the Constitution at James Madison’s Montpelier. Topics include “Central Virginia: The Launchpad of the Bill of Rights?,” “The U.S. Judiciary Structure,” “The Reconstruction Amendments: How the 14th Amendment is Critical to Our Rights (due process, equal protection and more),” and “A Balancing Act: ‘Disinformation’ vs. First Amendment freedoms.”
The series will be held Feb. 22, March 29 and April 26, 1-2:30 p.m. in the Culpeper County Library Meeting Room. High school students welcome. RSVP by emailing admin@naacpculpeper.org.