Students in Orange and Madison counties will have a second snow day tomorrow, one of many this winter season.
Both Orange and Madison county school divisions announced Thursday, Feb. 20 will be an inclement weather. Orange students also had off school Wednesday while Madison students went, but were dismissed mid-morning.
Students in both school divisions has missed a host of days this school year due to inclement weather. Orange County students also missed school in August due to a water issue at the eastern end of the county. To address the time missed, Orange County Public Schools Officials have announced changes to the calendar. Friday, March 14, originally scheduled as a professional development day for staff members and a holiday for students will not be a full instructional day. Monday, March 17 will remain as a teacher work day with no school for students. Friday, April 18 will be a full instructional day for students and the third quarter will be extended until Friday, March 14.
So far, Madison County officials have not announced any changes to its calendar.
Meanwhile, the Madison County Planning Commission worksession meeting scheduled for Feb. 19 has been rescheduled to Wednesday, Feb. 26 at 6:30 p.m.